On makeup... Yes, Nah or in between?

Feeling: Super sleepy
Time: 7:13am

As you know, by now I talk about almost anything on here. I want to talk about makeup. Yeah, the face thingy. I know it very random and not super serious, but this is a diary, so, why not? Tehehe.

I like makeup a lot, but I can't do any by myself to save my life. Can you believe that I can't draw my brows? I mean, I believe it's pretty simple, I've watched tons of YouTube videos, you'd expect me to be a guru by now. Sigh*

I used to think I'd come around and eventually learn how to beat my face, but I highly doubt that is happening. I may learn how to draw the brows though. I mean,  that should be as easy as ABC, but for now lip gloss is my go to. I don't even use powder. I just make my hair into a large puff, wear some lip gloss and I'm ready.  Thank God I have naturally trimmed brows, I don't have to brush them or anything. Makes life super easy for me.

I was talking about this same topic with my sister who doesn't see the point in wearing makeup on your wedding day if you aren't a fan of it on a normal day. Well, I told her it just highlights your beauty. What was I supposed to say? She still didn't see the point.

There was a point in my life I was considering not wearing any makeup on my wedding day, just like I was planning to wear a jumpsuit instead of a gown and mom asked if I was insane. Sigh* is it her wedding day? Anyways, yeah, there was a time I was considering that, but I have changed my mind. I'm definitely not going to be bare faced. Not because I'm not beautiful or I have low self esteem, but because, duh, it's  my wedding day. Looking extra pretty won't hurt anyone.

I personally don't like makeup that's 'loud', I really don't. I'm one of the people that believe that there's a lot of class in simplicity. Hence, I'm definitely going for the 'natural' make up look, and on every other day I'll carry my face around as it is, hopefully I'd have learnt the how to do the brows.

I have come to a conclusion with human (who loves my natural face btw) already, and the conclusion is I'd leave my face as it is on normal days, and on some days (some because, duh, enjoy my normal face) I have important events, I'd have a makeup artist and a hairstylist to do all the work for me. This would happen when I have a lot of money. Not now abeg, where am I going to?

That's my little rant for today. Gosh!  I'm soooo hungry. I should get some sleep.

Do you like makeup? Has it ever crossed your mind not to wear makeup on your big day? 

Much love,


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