The simplest Banana bread recipe ever!

Feeling: Content
Time: Started yesterday, ended today.

I really think banana cake should be called... I really think banana bread should be called banana cake or something like that. It's way way easier than the regular bread that requires about an hour of proving in total and proper kneading.

I had been wanting to try this out for quite a while now, and I eventually tried it out yesterday and it was perrfeeccttt. My siblings loved it so much. Side note: my first brother, thinks I'm the most adventurous with food, probably after my dad.  Means a lot tehehe. Sister wanted that title though.

Okay, this banana bread requires very few ingredients:

3 ripe Bananas
1 1/2 cups of flour
2 Eggs
2 tablespoons of melted margarine
1 teaspoon of Baking powder
A pinch of Salt
7 tablespoons of Sugar (up to you, really)


In a bowl, mash three ripe Bananas with a fork, till it's pulpy.

In another bowl combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar and mix.

Beat two eggs and add to the bananas.

Pour the eggs and the melted margarine (or butter) into the bananas. Don't over mix.

Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix Just enough for everything to come together.

Pour in your mixture into your oiled tin or ceramic (I used a ceramic bowl).

Bake for about 25- 30 minutes on medium heat.

Side Note: To be sure it's baked, poke it with a skewer. If it's sticky, let it bake for a few more minutes.

Leave it to cool. I liked mine warm. My siblings liked theirs cool / warm.

Have fun making this simple and yummy delight.

Much love, 


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