THE TEENS CORNER! Hangout with MotherGold.


So, last week we started the series on teenagers, where we chat with them, get to know what's going on in their minds about different things. We hung out with fourteen year old Marie who told us about why she doesn't think it's advisable to date anyone at her age.

Today, we'll be hanging out with MotherGold who's seventeen years old, a student of Caleb University in Nigeria. She's currently studying International Relations.

The first time I met MotherGold, the first thing that really struck me was her very unique name, a plus was that she was quite friendly.

Let's dive in!

Hi MotherGold, what's a typical Saturday like for you?

Um it's a lazy day for me in school, I just watch movie and play, but when I'm home it's a busy day.

Who / what motivates you?

Well, my dad inspires me.

What do you think turning 18 would change for you?

Turning 18 will change my way of thinking and behaving. Well, my life generally.

How deeply do you care for peer validation on a scale of 1-10


What are your long term goals?

To focus on my work, to not look down on myself, achieve all my dreams

What is one thing you love about yourself?

My talents. I can sing and dance.

What lifestyle change have you been meaning to make for a while now? 


Do you think your parents understand you as a teenager? What do you wish they'd understand about you? 

Umm no. What I need them to understand is that I can handle somethings myself.

Texting or talking? 

I prefer talking.

Who do you talk to when things bother you?

I talk to my friends when things bother me.

TV shows or movies?


As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of? 

Of being in love and not being successful.

Wow!  You've had your heart broken before?

Well yes. Once though and it just happened recently.

Favorite celebrity? 


Any books you've read this year you'd like to share with us? 


Describe your personality. 

Well, I'm quiet, slow to anger, playful, ambitious, cool to be with (well, this depends on the people I meet, if you're boring trust me, the boring part of me will be activešŸ˜). I'm also very unpredictable.

What has your experience in Uni been like so far? 

My experience in uni,  to be sincere, it's been nothing special, because my school is like a secondary school. I just meet a lot of people that's all.

What's your take on self love? 

Self love is when you feel great about yourself, not minding what people say, as far as you know what you're doing. It's also the way people carry themselves; being  proud of who you are even though there'll be times things will get messed up.

Would you rather parent ten children who are well behaved, or parent one child who's totally out of control?

I would rather parent ten children o.

How do you think we can make Nigeria better? 

First off, those leaders need to step down. We can make Nigeria better by us working in unity. Surely there will be corruption still, but it'll be lesser. We also need to encourage each other.

Finally,  if you were to advice a younger teen about something, what would it be?

Him or her should focus on their studies, be themselves, be the best they can be, make the right friends. They shouldn't be intimated. Also, they should learn how to speak for themselves in any situation as far as they know they are clean. The most important thing is that they should involve God in everything they do. They should be ready for ups and downs as well.  Life isn't bed of roses. Lastly they should face their fears.

That's a whole ton of advice I can follow.  I mean, if there's one thing I'm learning constantly, it's to speak up for my self.

Gracias MotherGold.

Oh! Dear MotherGold, being in love is a beautiful thing, you'll find out soon enough.

Hope you enjoyed hanging out with MotherGold, I did.

Have a lovely lovely week.
Much love.


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