THE TEENS CORNER! Hangout with Marie.

Hi guyssss! If you noticed, I didn't input the 'Feeling' and 'Time' feature today. Well that's because... drum rolls please. I'm starting a new series on the blog!! What's more exciting is the fact that it's all about Teenagers!!!!

I don't know if you know, but teenagers are my favorite set of people in the world. So, I decided that we need to get to know teenagers, on a more intimate level. Let's see what they think about different things.

Over the next few weeks (or more) we'll be hanging out with teens!!!  How cool is that?!
Who knows? This might help you relate better with a teen near you.

So, let's get to know our first guest.  I'm super stoked. Her name is COMOE MARIE-CAMILLE and she's 14 years old and a full time fan of Cardi B . I asked her a bunch of questions, some of her answers  made me smile, and some made me think really hard.  Let's dive in.

Hi Marie, What's a typical Saturday like for you?

Very boring because mum will kill me with many chores, but if dad is around, we'd  go out to have fun or have dinner at a nice restaurant.

Who/ What motivates you?

People that underestimate me, because I like to prove them wrong, I'll do that particular 'thing' they think I can't do.

Movie, books and music. In order of faves. 

Music, movie, books.

What do you do for fun?

Read books, chat with friends,  instagram, play games.

On a scale of 1-10 how close are you to your parents.

Dad 6, mum 8.

What's your take on the issue of dating among your peers?

Well, I think its useless because you might get distracted, your grades will drop, and if care is not taken you might get pregnant. The guy will have nothing to lose because it's the lady that will go through the stress of breastfeeding, which would eventually affect her schooling, but the guy will go on.

Laundry or dishes?


What is one thing you love about yourself

The fact that I don't give up easily.

What are your long term goals? ; let's say five years.

To make a good difference in my society; so that whosoever will hear me speak will be positively impacted and to win souls to the kingdom of God.

What's one thing you wish you were told as a child that you think would have helped you handle things a bit better.

To not always fight back.

Do you think your parents understand you as a teenager? What do you wish they'd understand about you?

Nope. They barely have time for me. I wish they would understand that I like attention and that they should make more time for me🤷‍♀

Coffee or tea

Tea 😍

Any books you've read this year you'd like to share?

Actually, I'm yet to read any.

What has 'teenagehood' taught you so far?

Not to always pay attention to what peolpe say about me.

As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of?

...of people, and how they can condemn people with what they say.

What's one thing you admire about your parents?

They sometimes share the house chores. There are also times dad will make dinner.

Describe your personality

I'm a very curious person.
Heels flats and sneakers. In order of faves

Sneakers,  heels , flats.

Fav celebrity?

Cardi B. Okkkkrrrrrrr.

Who do you talk to when things bother you?

Very close friends.

What's your take on the usage of social media? 

Social media is cool because you get to talk to your friends; both far and near, advertise your business, make friends. You also get to know what's going on around you. The bad thing about it is that people misuse it by cyber bulling, being fraudulent and so on.

Any life hack you'd like to share with us?

There is no elevator to success.

Thank you so much Marie, for spending time with us and sharing your thoughts on some of these important issues we face everyday.

There was a time I was so into teen moms and I used to wonder at some of the guys' actions, considering the fact that they mutually had sexual intercourse that brought forth the child. One might say it's immaturity, but I do hope we learn how to raise better boys who'd  own up to their faults and learn to be responsible.

I'm looking forward to our next guest!!  Have a lovely week.

Much love, 


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