What to do with 30,000 dollars!

Feeling: No right words
Time: 11:11am

This is just a random post.

Last week, while we (my siblings and I)  were making dinner, we were discussing different random things when one of my brothers, the older one asked what we'll do if we were given 30,000 dollars each at this point in our lives. That's a lot of money, and we all delved into what we'd use the money for.

My brother was so hilarious, he said everything down to the last dollar. Like he was actually calculating every little thing, we made fun of him 'cos he acted as though he truly expected the money. My sister planned to save hers till she's done with school, so she can travel the world. She'd also give mom a farm, and daddy, some money. Err I can't really remember what my other brother said. Oh oh! he said he'll wait till he's done with school, so he can think about what he'd need it for. He planned to give the 'rents some money too.

I told them I'd buy land in Nigeria (not sure about the specifics, but too much sense,yeah? Ikr) I'd also start the business that I've always wanted to start, and I'll start big.  I'll definitely definitely save some, and I'll give my parents out of it. I told them I'd buy a few things for my future home with babe, but when we talked about it, we decided it was not a smart idea. I'd rather keep the money (where I can't see it) till the actual time.

When we had finished talking, we were left thinking about how silly this fantasy was. Then my brother called us doubting Thomases, and said we'll be shocked when we woke up the next morning with him holding 30,000 dollars.  We all quickly said "ah God we want the money o in case you're listening." I mean, who doesn't want free 30k

Guess what, when we woke up the next morning, to our reality. There was no bundle of 30,000 dollars. Shocker.

Money's important, and I hope to make quite a lot of it by God's grace.

Able God, shower your blessings, we want this money!

I'm quite curious. If you were gifted that amount of money (okay, maybe not as much as that, but a lot, still) , what would you do with it?  

Much love, 


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