Good morning friends😊, I’m a bit out of ideas on what to write, my brain is kinda dry, why? Because I’m reading, that’s what reading does to the brain, it saps out all the fun,  as in, I’m waiting from my brain to produce something, but nothing is coming forth, and I definitely  do not want you to get bored with whatever I’m reading , okay lemme just tell you a teeny weeny  tiny bit, I’m reading literature, something about the theories in Literature, right now I’m on post structuralism( believes that language is unreliable, and it doesn’t possess absolute meaning) I concur, I mean they’ll just tell us different letters written together mean a particular thing.
   I’m reading in the room today, was too tired to do that space keeping ish, I have a target, to finish literature by 1pm, and start English(grammar) when it’s 3pm ( it’s 11am already)
      I’m very sorry, I’m such a bore, but Exams na the koko. Love youuuu. Plus I dunno if I’m sorry this post is really short, but I’m sorry it’s boring.
     Wow!! It’s already 7:15pm, and I haven’t posted this, the reception was and is really bad in my room, I’m sorry. There’s so much apology in this, hehehe shows how much I love you😍😘…I’m really tired, stopped reading not quite long ago. Goodnight people.
Proud violator of the Gricean maxims


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