(Panting) Good evening loves, just got back from the library, it’s 7:31pm and I’ve been there since 8:28am, my hard work will pay off in Jesus’ name, and there’s God’s grace too. so guys how was your day? mine didn’t start out too nicely, I woke up on the right side of the bed, but then I woke up to read, and there was no reception in the room, I was mad, in fact, I went to the corridor sef, still there was nothing, later on, airtel decided to do rubbish (I borrowed airtime for the first time ever some days back, I just wanted #50 bucks, but guess what those misleading people lent me- #500 I was angryyyyy, then today they sent ,me one stupid message like this, saying something about me owing #498, I was furious to the max this morning,  I was close to yelling at the woman, my grammar was not even fluent, I didn’t even sound like a final year ENGLISH student, but it was not my fault, it was rectified sha) my day was better eventually, and I am glad, I like being a happy person.
   Exams are coming faster than normal, and I have a lot to cover, if you like say that we are lazy in my department, and that you have written one million papers, good for you, it just makes my department unique and awesome hehehe. Guys guys!!! I met someone today through my roommate, and she was like I’ve read your blog, and I’ve always wanted to meet you!!! omo come and see how I was blushing like a fool, I didn’t even know what to say, I was just like yeah, thank you…( I truly wanted to burst),  immediately I got upstairs, I spilled the news to Toye.
     I’ve gotta wake up to read at night, but first, I must play, oh and definitely sleep too, plus I desperately need reception, which is only awesome at midnight (weird huh? it’s cheaper jere). I think I’ll have HOT ice-cream (never heard of it, sounds contrastive I know, but that what I call my strawbwrry flavoured custard) and egg tonight. Catch you loveys later. Goodnight, study well, pray well, eat well, sleep well too.
                                                                                   Proud violator of the Gricean maxims
                                                                                   MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS


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