NO TITLE (hehehe)

(in the voice of a radio presenter) Hi there, good morning, it’s 6:49am here in my room, and you’re welcome to this still titleless article (trust me, I’m really working on the title, it ain’t just easy rara)…BTW, this my system, sorry laptop( there’s actually no difference, but mom feels differently),as I was saying, this laptop is not fresh o, you need to see how it’s just underlining my work negatively, mtchew. 
    As, you might have noticed, I just write as it comes, it might be weird, but trust me, it’s easier for me, than to have premeditated gist written here. Anyways, I have to hurry up here because, I have to rush to the library to secure seats for Toye and I…please don’t even go there, I’m not being mean, just smart, hehehe, I like how I can sometimes read your mind before you even utter anything, it’s nothing joh, I’m just a superb psychic, but that doesn’t mean you should ask me if I know what you’re about to eat, I won’t tell you because there’s no point #tongueout. (Does this laptop have to underline that hashtag again ni?)
   Guys! Guys!! Didn’t you notice something? Don’t bother yourself by reading it all over, I’m really nice, so I’ll tell you. I didn’t complain about the weather!!! As in, my fan is not being stressed at the moment, and I can feel the joy radiating from it…please it’s my fan so I know when it’s happy, not like I’m an objectophilia ( I know most of you have never heard the word, and besides you might be too lazy to even check the dictionary, it happens to the best of us. so I’ll save your data, by telling you that it means having strong feelings for objects.) when my friend, Emmanuel, told me about it, I didn’t believe it o, until, I browsed it out. There are all sorts of evils out there, but God has made it easy for us by giving us his son, better grab the opportunity before it gets too late. Ehen as I was saying, lemme tell you how I know when my fan is cool with me- it stays put. Weird huh? ma worry, I’ll explain. My fan is really small, (if the spirit leads, I may show you guys a picture one day) so, if I don’t treat it well, it drops, I’ve had many of that, and because, I want it to last I have to treat it well.
   I think I have to go, not because it’s 8am because it’s definitely not yet 8, it’s just 7:20am, but because my roommate is cooking this early momo (means morning for you tush people) and it’s really affecting me stomach wise, and I can’t keep typing urggh!! Bye guys, Love you for reading this.
proud violator of the Gricean Maxims


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