Hiiiiii, good morning, how was your niiiight?( wait o, did I sound enthusiastic, because that wasn’t what I hoped for( chai! must you misunderstand me?) It’s not like I wasn’t looking forward to talking to you today, But the thing is I feel sleepy, yeah yeah, I know it’s 5:50am and a good student should be awake by then, but it ain’t my fault, I slept really late yesterday(I’ll tell you why if you must know, because I can feel your ears twitching for more information, don’t be disappointed when I tell you why, because I’m not a very fun person), The reason for my sleeping late was because I SAW A MOVIE… Please don’t judge me, or label me as an unserious person, the thing is I CANNOT COME AND GO AND DIE!!!, abeegi, kilode?? I was stressed out, and I had to look for an outlet. You’re not totally innocent sef, but don’t let me start on you.
          It’s not like I’m a newsman (or lady) but I just have to say the weather is cool, really cool. Plus finally guys…guess what- do you really have to be lazy at that again? Alright, I’ll tell you #drumroll I’ve got my first paper today!!!!! If I say the course you might just roll your eyes at me, I’ll still say it, it’s SEP (I’m sure you’ve already rolled it, you’re the one that now knows.)
     I’m actually thinking of opening a blog, but I have issues with that, First major issue is that I do not have a title( people, be sincere, do I have to be conventional? because I don’t think I’m good at that) the holy spirit will give me an awesome title). Then the second issue is that, once I start something that fun, I do not always complete it, hey! it’s not like I’m not COMMITTED, but something must happen sha! Lemme give you examples (God I should be reading o), sorry, as I was saying, examples of stuff I started but didn’t get to finish.
*THE KEYBOARD- reason being that we were relocating to Abuja when I started, and the work involved in relocating is stressful
*THE GUITAR- This was 5 years later, and I was 17,we were relocating to Uganda, jeez!!! This was more stressful
*THE COMPUTER- I was also 12, when I started learning how to use one, but in this case, I had hatred for computers…I was literarily crying while learning it, the man just had to tell me to go home
*DANCE- my love for dance is huge(I can give some really awesome steps for my mind even in reality sef, ask HELLO 45(MY FELLOWSHIP’S DRAMA GROUP)), I had started learning salsa and waltz, and I was enjoying myself with it, but I had to break up with the ‘instructor’ .
    so, that’s why I’m really scared about the blog issue, but one day at a time sha…I’ve got to go I guess. plus you learnt some stuff about me today, Yaaay!! Have a productive day, plus read this scripture please :2Tim2:22, thanks for sticking with me again.xoxo
proud violator of the Gricean maxims   MARQUIS FIFEOLUWAHAN LOIS


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